
5 Quick Tips To Start The New Year


It is the first day of 2015.

What are your goals?  Here are 5 tips to help you get on the right track!

Focus On One Idea At A Time

After my morning meditation, I realized that a major stumbling block for me is: trying to process too many ideas at once.  Although we have a beautiful brain that allows for complex thinking, focusing on one idea at a time proves to be the best way to get things done.  In fact, I am coming out with my own line of journals for #HustlersLikeMe granted that one of my immutable laws of success is: use a journal.  A great resource to help you wrap your mind around this success tool is the audiobook “How To Use A Journal” by Jim Rohn.

Communicate Readjusted Time Lines

There appears to be so many tasks that need to be completed in the lives of #HustlersLikeMe.  What appears to be the worst part about a to-do list is: thinking about achieving goals that are outstanding–in fact, extremely overdue.  How do you come to terms with the reality that: certain goals will not be met in the time frame that you have given yourself?  Communication is key in this instance, and the idea of feeling embarrassed for letting others down can make you feel horrible.  Being transparent with both yourself and others creates a space where honesty proves to get you the farthest when it comes to living an upright life.

BONUS: Work With Your Gifts

I have learned that morality has a lot to do with quality of life, namely having a peace of mind.  My research to date has highlighted that being of service to people by increasing your skill sets (read: investing in yourself) proves to be an undeniable way to live a fulfilled life.  If you believe that you have nothing to give, work on it–we all have gifts unique to our personality; find them, develop them and share them with the world.

Come To Terms With Hardships

Accepting that there is both positive and negative in this world will allow you to navigate life a lot more confidently.  Sometimes, we are afforded the luxury of romanticizing about the innocence of this world–and how we wish things to be.  On the one hand, it is exciting to desire the type of world we want to live in.  On the other hand, until we create the space we desire, we need to recognize how tough the challenges are as we aspire to live the physical equivalent of our spiritual desires.  And upon attainment of your goals, you need to protect your triumphs because of the opposition that is real in day to day life. Life will wrestle you to the ground simply because that life does at times to everyone pursuing their dreams.  You can do everything right and still fail.  That said, practice resilience.  I have a tattoo on my left shoulder that reads: Strength, Focus Dedication.  I am not telling you to get a tattoo.  What I am saying is that it is imperative to remind ourselves: we need hope because of the trials and tribulations that come with life.

Understand Yourself To Create A Better Plan

It is when we recognize that dichotomies exist, we create room for a better plan.  One of the tools which I use with #HustlersLikeMe is: the SWOT Analysis.  Not everyone agrees with this methodology designed to help you create an action plan to achieve both personal and professional success.  Nonetheless, looking at your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats gives you an unique perspective about yourself. Having key insights into the internal and external factors of your life which are both good and bad provides you with the best chances of succeeding.  Being aware of obstacles and setbacks are just as important as knowing your skill sets and abilities.  This exercise, in my opinion, helps people to make effective plans because it provides the kind of awareness that most successful people and groups use to navigate challenges to achieve their goals.

Try Not To Over Do It

We can get caught up in trying to get a lot done and end up becoming very unproductive.  Being busy is just that: being busy.  Take the time to plan your days.  Identify what impact you want your completed goals to have.  As a side note , try to get a bit of exercise in too!  I am not a guru on fitness, but I sure feel better after stretching and clearing my mind first thing in the morning.  Remember to breathe and that the brain needs oxygen as a vital organ. Here is a bit of honesty: I took a break when writing this blog post to ensure that it serves the purpose of providing quality step by step action plans.  I am sure that if I forced myself to write when hitting that proverbial wall, the content of this post would have been below mediocre at best.


Today, like every day, try to be your best self.  That may mean accepting that you have failed–even miserably.  Hey, like Les Brown says (and I paraphrase):

“If you fall, try to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up.”

Life isn’t as easy as having an idea.  You are going to need a plan, some help and a lot of commitment. Still, you are alive and that means you have a lot to live for.

You got this!



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