Making mistakes comes with trying to be a better version of yourself.
Getting something right the first time around is not always the case. Depending on who is looking, you can be perceived as a pessimist. Working on your goals can become a public spectacle. Living in isolation does not make life any easier. In order to grow, moments of conflict have to take place. Challenges are commonplace in the face of personal and professional development. Sure, there are people who would rather the message you share be toned down or less detail oriented regarding aspects of pursuing goals. However, there are people who identify with very specific conditions that need very specific conversations to begin working on very specific solutions. Albeit cliche, a fact remains: unless you accurately diagnose a matter, you cannot properly treat what is wrong. That said, some truths will be ugly. In turn, for various reasons, full disclosures are kept back due to the possibility of being embarrassed. Therefore, the question remains: Would you prefer to be embarrassed or healthy?
Today, there are more opportunities to transition from one lifestyle to another with the use of information available.
In fact, there is more information available than any other historical period combined. That said, when you begin to share your voice in a public forum, the risk of being ridiculed is very real. Nonetheless, communication is a skill set. And like any ability, the gift and curse dichotomy exists. The same talent that helps you will often be the same talent that will need to be developed in order to become a better you. Consequently, one has to be honest in their assessment of who they are, identify their areas of weakness and implement an action plan to improve.
Conditions will exist where the frustration of others causes them to mismanage resources and make completing your to-do-list more challenging.
Beureaucracy is woven into every culture; some organizational are more transparent than others. Realizing your self-worth is a key component of developing self-esteem. The opinions of others are not always personal attacks. Still, even personal attacks are not as harmful as some expect them to be. Acknowledging that people, places and things have social norms, you will be better prepared to navigate conditions that differ from your value system. Beyond what is right and what is wrong is the concept of: healthy self-worth. Despite sharing a different outlook with those you happen to share space and time, you can still co-exist in a healthy and safe way.
Working through problems using conflict mediation methods is helpful to society.
At the same time, becoming vulnerable to understand what really transpired in a matter leaves you in a position where others may not want to resolve issues. Hence, the practice of holding self and others accountable may not be shared. Should one begin head into isolation because others are disinterested in cooperating for the betterment of everyone involved?
Drop the proverbial ball then pick it up.
Life is filled with imperfection and opportunities. Some efforts will be huge blunders. Notice that anyone who has gone on to serve as a positive role model endured setbacks. We will get things wrong. Getting things right takes time. If you manage to succeed first time around, congratulations. Essentially, admit your errors. Breathe through self-doubt and increase your capacity to deal with hardship by taking the time to learn techniques that show steps about addressing unfortunate circumstances and progressing by implimentung solutions.
You got this!