
Thinking About Leaving?


At times, we stay in a situation too long.  We can always learn from our past.  Still, remaining in an unproductive environment is a very real practice.  There are moments when we observe relationships for what they are and think about removing ourselves.  Sometimes, we stay.  On the one hand, it can be that disconnecting requires too much work.  On the other hand, it can be that we just do not care to make adjustments.  At any rate, the moment does come when it is best to get up and go.
Experience reveals that the same people who ignore you on a daily basis will make a fuss when you decide to move on with your life without them.  We all deserve to contribute to the creation of the environment we want to exist in.  Social media is an aspect of our daily lives that has the same dynamic.  Picking up your phone or going on your computer is your perogative.  Therefore, granted that you are in charge of your life, you should determine what you see when online.
People live their life the way they want and you can decide whether or not you want to be around their influence.  In fact, considering how others may feel because you are no longer available to them is a very courteous thing to do.  Nonetheless, our peace of mind is priceless; and it is important to have established boundaries in relationships.  As you move forward in life, create ground rules with your network and make it clear that you have a standard just as much as the other person.  Compromise is a component of any progressive relationship.  Yet, when there is minimal to no communication and a clear indication that you no longer share anything in common, feel free to go in the direction that is in alignment with your values.
Overcome the backlash of people criticising you for choosing to move on by remembering your reason for making changes in the first place.  Life requires us to grown in order to achieve new goals.  Embrace your development process and try not to hold back on your potential because people are making you uncomfortable.  Press on and if it means building new friendships, so be it.  If the opportunity presents itself to repair a relationship, go for it.  However, always express your expectations in a healthy and safe manner without apology.
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